Among the new goals and targets established as part of the strategy are VF’s commitment to reduce its global environmental footprint by 50 per cent, from farm to front door, by 2030, and to measurably improve the lives of one million garment industry workers and local community members by 2025. Additionally, VF has committed to a 35 per cent reduction in the average environmental impact of key materials used to make its products.”Respect for people and the planet has long been a guiding principle for VF, especially during the past decade as we’ve taken meaningful steps to embed environmental and socially responsible programs throughout every aspect of our global business,” said Steve Rendle, VF’s chairman, president and CEOคำพูดจาก Nhà Cái Casino Online. “We are accelerating our actions at VF by combining our relentless focus on innovation and operational excellence with responsible business practices to drive meaningful and lasting changes.”
As one of the world’s largest apparel and footwear companies, VF will pursue the commercialisation of circular business models to reduce its environmental impact.”VF and its brands will unite to serve as a catalyst for global movements that help more people pursue active lifestyles and access sustainable and responsibly sourced productsคำพูดจาก Web Game Casino . VF will support these efforts with strategic investments, targeted advocacy, philanthropic gifts and collaboration with public and private sector partners,” a company press release said.